REMINDER FOR TJHS PARENTS and GUARDIANS: There will be a Home and School Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 6th at 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria. Thank You!

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Friday, February 2nd -- Cycle Day #5 -- Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow, which means Early Spring!!......https://5il.co/2e2f9

ADDITIONAL CORRECTION -- The Jr. High Boys' Basketball team will depart TJHS at 2:15 today.......dismissed from class at 2:00.

CORRECTION FOR TODAY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS (Wednesday, January 31st) -- Today's sports are as follows: Away JH Boys Basketball at Millersburg, dismissed at 2:00, departs at 2:30, game starts at 4:00.

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Thursday, January 25th -- Cycle Day #6 -- https://5il.co/2debe -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL for students TOMORROW, Friday, January 26th as it will be an Act 80 Day!!

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Wednesday, January 24th -- Cycle Day #5 -- https://5il.co/2d6m5 -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, January 26th as it will be an Act 80 Day!!

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Friday, January 19th -- Flex Instruction Day -- SIGN-IN TO SAPPHIRE BY 8:35 THIS MORNING -- https://5il.co/2ctbc

For tomorrow's (1/19/24) Flexible Instruction Day (FID) students are reminded that you must sign in to your Sapphire by 8:35 am for attendance. The schedule for the day is as follows:
Teachers zoom with their classes as per this schedule.
Period 1: 8:30 - 8:50
Period 2: 8:50 - 9:10
Period 3: 9:10 - 9:30
*9:30-9:50 food break
Period 4: 9:50 -10:10
Period 5: 10:10-10:30
Period 6: 10:30-10:50
Period 7: 10:50-11:10
Period 8: 11:10-11:30
*11:30-3:30 independent work time with teachers available via small group zooms and email as necessary

Parents are reminded that we would like to know your thoughts about options for school days if school would need to be closed (eg, due to weather). Please log into Sapphire and click on the link in the community portal to complete a short survey. The survey will be available through this Friday. Thank you!

Pd 1 -- 11:30-11:56
Pd 2 -- 11:58-12:24
Pd 3 -- 12:26-12:52
Pd 4 -- 12:54-1:20
Pd 5 -- 1:22-1:48
Pd 6 -- 1:50-2:16
Pd 7 -- 2:18-2:44
Pd 8 -- 2:46-3:15
Students should log into Sapphire by 11:35 AM for attendance.