Juniata County Families: School will be closed November 22 through November 27, 2023 for Thanksgiving Break.

TJHS Morning Announcements -- Monday, November 20th -- Cycle Day #1 -- https://5il.co/299jc -- ALSO, reminder to TJHS Students that tomorrow is our next spirit day! It is CAMO DAY. Come dressed like you are ready to hunt on Saturday!

TJHS Winter Sports Picture day has been changed. It is now scheduled for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th! Please see the "News" section of our website for details!

REMINDER TO TJHS PARENTS AND STUDENTS -- ALL orders and money for the Powerhouse Subs sale for the TJHS Home & School are due by THIS Friday, November 17th! Thank you!

From Borough of Mifflintown: Cross Street Bridge will be open for vehicular and pedestrian traffic no later than December 31, 2023. The Borough is requesting that the School District advise all students that no pedestrian traffic is permitted until after December 31, 2023.

JCSD Families: All schools will be operating lockdown drills next week. The schedule is as follows: Monday, November 13 will be JHS, November 14 will be EJHS, November 15 will be TJHS, November 16 will be EJES and November 17 is JES. The drills will be held in the morning and PSP may be onsite.

Reminders for tonight's football game at Dietrick Field: Gates will not open until 5:00 pm. No passes will be accepted. Tickets must be purchased online using the following link: https://piaad6.hometownticketing.com/embed/all

Thanks to 8th graders Leland Swetnam and Bryce Harlon, with their advisor Ms. Bev Abram, we have available our "Wall of Honor" in individual pictures. For your convenience, we have produced these in both Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote. Please click the link which will work on your computer or tablet and ENJOY! THANK YOU VETS!!
POWERPOINT --> https://5il.co/28oqq
KEYNOTE --> https://tinyurl.com/22ru9sv2

Reminder: There is no school for students on Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10. There are parent teacher conferences on November 9 and Friday is Veteran's Day!

TJHS Morning Announcements -- Wednesday, November 8th -- Cycle Day #1 -- https://5il.co/28kt2 -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Thursday, November 9th or Friday, November 10th for P-T Conferences and Veteran's Day Observance.

Reminder: There is no school for students on Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10. There are parent teacher conferences on November 9.

TJHS Home and School have two announcements. First, there will be a Home & School Meeting tomorrow evening, November 7th at 6 PM. Second, Home & School is having another fundraiser, this one with Power House Subs. Order forms will be sent home with students on Tuesday as well.

NEW!! Take a look at a preview of our Juniatian Digital Yearbook! Click our link -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu8_k9kKJ1I

TJHS Morning Announcements -- Monday, November 6th -- Cycle Day #5 -- https://5il.co/28emc -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, November 9th or Friday, November 10th for P-T Conferences and Veteran's Day Observance.