TJHS Morning News -- Wednesday, March 15th -- Beware the Ides of March! -- https://youtu.be/CAOF30GSG0o

FRIDAY, MARCH 10th -- Due to a winter weather advisory JCSD will be using a Flexible Instruction Day today, March 10, 2023.........https://youtu.be/ROIl2yIjMbY

ATTENTION TJHS STUDENTS! Letters for the Owen Dimm Racing Experience at the Autobahn Indoor Complex in Mechanicsburg will be TOMORROW, Thursday, March 9th at 3:15 PM. Please give your paragraph to Mr. Clark or email him at sclark@jcsdk12.org .

REMINDER TJHS STUDENT AND PARENTS: Duck Donut orders can be picked up after school TODAY, Wednesday, March 8th, from 3:15 until 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria!

REMINDER TJHS STUDENT AND PARENTS: Duck Donut orders can be picked up after school tomorrow, Wednesday, March 8th, from 3:15 until 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria! Also, there will be a Home & School Meeting this evening at 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria.

ATTENTION TJHS 7th GRADE STUDENTS AND PARENTS: A reminder that school dental exams will be held next Tuesday, March 14. Permission forms are due TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. These are state-mandated exams. If you do not return a school permission form, you must be seen by your own private dentist. Contact your school nurse with questions.

TJHS Morning News - Monday, March 6th -- https://youtu.be/vSZoYhZ1dag

Spring sports will be starting on Monday, March 6, 2023. Please note that there are several transportation changes, and may be a few more changes coming as well. Chuck Lauver (Bus 9) will run the TJHS soccer team to JES, leaving TJHS (behind the cafeteria) at 3:23 PM. Also, TJHS is looking to start up volleyball; if there’s enough interest, volleyball kids will ride over to JES on their practice days (tentatively Tuesdays and Thursdays). There will be NO return shuttle for Volleyball or Soccer. There will also be no Field Hockey shuttle, but this could potentially change.

TJHS Morning News -- Thursday, March 2nd -- "Read Across America Day" -- https://youtu.be/H9sZ_7VosxA

REMINDER to TJHS students that Duck Donuts orders and money are due TODAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd!!

REMINDER to TJHS students that Duck Donuts orders and money are due TOMORROW, THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd!!

REMINDER to TJHS students that Duck Donuts orders and money are due by this THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd!!