Tuesday, September 7, 2021
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Cycle 1, Day 2
Attention JCSD Families: Please visit our website (www.jcsdk12.org) to read information regarding the mask mandate for September 7. Click the Covid 19 Information button. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Friday, September 3, 2021 -- CYCLE 1, DAY 1 https://youtu.be/cN7peYvKElE
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Welcome back to TJHS for the 2021-2022 school year!! Let's make it a great year together -- BE BRAVE T.J.H.S.!!!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Welcome Back!
Cycle 1, Day 1
Attention JCSD Families: Please visit our website (www.jcsdk12.org) to read new information regarding the the first day of school tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 3) and the mask information for September 7. Click the Covid 19 Information button.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Juniata County School District will be closed Thursday, September 2, 2021 due to the flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Ida.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
IMPORTANT INFORMATION!! JCSD will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, September 1st due to the impending storm. Please stay safe!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Dear JCSD Families, JCSD Administration urges you to click the Covid information link on our website for information regarding when to keep your child home and the quarantining guidelines for this school year. As we get new information this page will be updated. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! JCSD Administration
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Attention Parents of students in grades 6 through 12: Please visit our website to read new information regarding the Covid vaccines and quarantining. Click the Covid 19 Information button.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
There will be an Open House at TJHS, as well as all other JCSD buildings, on Tuesday, August 31st. Schools will be open from 2 PM to 4 PM for this Open House.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
JCSD Families: The administration would like to remind our community that schools will open for in person learning September 1, 2021. Masks will be optional in all JCSD buildings but will be required on school transportation to and from school and school based events. If you have any questions, please contact your local school's principal. JCSD Administration
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Welcome Back all Teachers and Staff!! We wish you the best and brightest that 2021-22 can offer and THANK YOU for all that you do!!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Welcome Back!!
Welcome Back!!
Picture Day at TJHS for 2021 will be on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Picture Day 2021
Breakfast and Lunch Menus have been posted for September 2021. You can access these by going to our website, tjhs.jcsdk12.org, clicking on the menu at the top and then "About Us."
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Homeroom listings for TJHS for the 2021-2022 School Year are now online and can be accessed by going to the TJHS Website Menu and clicking on "Quick Links," or by clicking this link, https://5il.co/x5ev
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
TJHS is now on Facebook. Follow us at Facebook.com/TuscaroraJrHS !
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Here we go! School begins for teachers on Monday, August 23rd. School beings for students on Wednesday, September 1st! Welcome back!!
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
The Juniata County School District would like to update the community of our plans for the reopening of the 21-22 school year. We are happy to announce our plan to reopen schools with a full time in person schedule. In addition, students attending in person instruction will not be required to wear face coverings in the school buildings. Furthermore, we have partnered with the TIU #11 to expand our virtual course catalog beyond Odysseyware. We feel this increase of offerings will better meet student needs. If you prefer your child to receive virtual learning next year, please contact your home school’s office for additional information. The district will not be able to offer a full schedule of HRE type classes for the upcoming school year. We cannot wait to welcome our students back for an exciting new year. We are also reminding families, the district may be required to make changes according to any new state or federal mandates.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
TJHS SIXTH GRADE ORIENTATION-- Thursday, August 12, 2021 -- 9:00 to 11:00 AM, starting in the TJHS cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Bob St. Clair
Have a GREAT summer!!!!! See you in August!!!
almost 4 years ago, Bob St. Clair