Information is attached regarding a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on behalf of the Ciecierski family.

TJHS is again offering homework help for any students in grades 6 to 8. Homework Helper meets after school every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 for those students needing time to focus on doing their school work or those who need help doing their school work or study for tests. The sign-up sheet for Homework Helper is in the school office and students wishing to attend should sign-up the day they want to stay after school.

ATTENTION TJHS Hybrid and JCVA Students! If you are going to ride the bus to school or provide your own transportation to school for PSSA Testing the weeks of April 19 and 26, please contact Mrs. Shipp (sshipp@jcsdk12.org) at the TJHS office (717-436-2165) as soon as possible!