TJHS Daily Announcements -- Thursday, April 25th -- Cycle Day #5 -- ELA PSSA Testing Day #3 --- https://5il.co/2jitm

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Wednesday, April 24th -- Cycle Day #4 -- ELA PSSA TESTING DAY #2 -- https://5il.co/2jd57

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Tuesday, April 23rd -- Cycle Day #3 -- ELA PSSA TESTING DAY #1 -- https://5il.co/2j5vi

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Monday, April 8th -- ECLIPSE DAY -- REMINDER that school will be dismissed today at 12:30 PM -- Cycle Day #4 -- https://5il.co/2hzqg

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Friday, April 5th -- Cycle Day #3 -- https://5il.co/2hvwc -- Reminder that there will be an early dismissal on Monday, April 8th at 12:30 PM for the total solar eclipse occurring that afternoon!

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Thursday, April 4th -- Cycle Day #2 -- 3 Hour Delay Schedule -- https://5il.co/2hsgi

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Tuesday, April 2nd -- Cycle Day #6 -- https://5il.co/2hm3m............Reminder that there will be an early dismissal on Monday, April 8th at 12:30 PM for the total solar eclipse occurring that afternoon!

Reminder: Schools are closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2024.