TJHS Daily Announcements -- Thursday, March 28th -- Cycle Day #5 -- HAPPY EASTER!! -- https://5il.co/2hf9g

Reminder: Schools are closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2024.

As you are likely aware, there will be a solar eclipse during the afternoon hours of April 8th. However, its timing coincides with our usual dismissal times, posing a potential safety risk as students may inadvertently view the eclipse without proper precautions while leaving school or riding the bus and Guidance from PDE recommends early dismissal as an option for this event. To ensure the safety of our students, we have decided to initiate an early dismissal and suspend all afterschool activities until 5:30pm. This measure guarantees that all students will be safely home before the eclipse begins. All students will be dismissed at 12:30pm.
For information on safely viewing the eclipse, please visit https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Thursday, March 14th -- Cycle Day #2 -- https://5il.co/2gjr7 -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL for students TOMORROW, Friday, March 15th due to it being an Act 80 Day.

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Wednesday, March 13th -- Cycle Day #1 -- https://5il.co/2gh1j -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, March 15th due to it being an Act 80 Day.

TJHS Daily Announcements -- Tuesday, March 12th -- Cycle Day #6 -- https://5il.co/2geom -- REMINDER that there will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, March 15th due to it being an Act 80 Day.