TJHS Morning News -- Groundhog Day, Thursday, February 2nd -- Punxy Phil sees his shadow -- SIX MORE WEEKS OF WINTER......https://youtu.be/gqNC_z7-vUA

UPDATE!! All TJHS Students selling Power House subs -- all orders are now due by Friday, January 27th. The CLASS (6th-7th-8th) with the most sales will awarded a prize. Be sure to ask a TJHS Student to order your sub!

JCSD will be using a Flexible Instruction Day on January 25, 2023. All evening activities are cancelled. Students MUST complete all online assigned work on Flexible Instruction Days for both attendance and grading purposes.

JCSD is operating on a 2 hour delay today, January 17, 2023 due to the possibility of ice and freezing rain.

Congratulations to Kaiden Goshorn who won the drawing at TJHS for the Penn State Wrestling tickets!!

TJHS Morning News -- Thursday, January 12th -- REMINDER THAT TOMORROW IS AN ACT 80 DAY AND STUDENTS WILL NOT HAVE SCHOOL!! -- https://youtu.be/nLVkXhzcwJU

Information regarding STEM/Science camps for families, students, staff, and administration of the JCSD has been posted in the "News" section of our site. This program is being offered by Penn State University this summer and registration opening is coming up! For more information, again, please see the "News" section of our website.