The Tuscarora Jr. High School Home and School will be having two upcoming fundraisers in the next couple of weeks. The first on Tuesday, January 10th at the OIP and the second one on Tuesday, January 24th at Harshbarger's. Both require "tickets" to be presented at each place so your donation can be noted to go towards the TJHS Home & School. Anyone needing "tickets" should contact any TJHS Student.
Also, the next meeting of the TJHS Home and School will be on Tuesday, February 7th at 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria. Everyone welcome!

School board directors’ work is complex and diverse. From voting on budgets to adopting policy, school boards make key decisions that drive public education. School directors devote an average of ten hours each month to board business. Because school boards play a crucial role in helping schools provide a quality education to every student, January is once again being declared School Director Recognition Month. We appreciate our JCSD School Board of Directors!

TJHS Morning News -- FLEXIBLE INSTRUCTION DAY (FID) -- Thursday, December 22nd -- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Juniata County School District will be using a Flexible Instruction Day on Thursday, December 22, 2022 due to the predicted winter weather. Please check the news on our website for more information regarding Flexible Instruction Days. All evening activities are cancelled.

This Wednesday, would like the entire school filled with Christmasand Holiday cheer. EVERYONE is urged to wear your crazy Christmas socks, sweaters, Santa hats -- anything Christmas related!! MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM TJHS!!

Juniata County School District will be operating on a 3 hour delay on Friday, December 16, 2022 to allow time to clear roads, sidewalks and parking lots of ice and snow.

TJHS Morning News -- Thursday, December 15th (Flexible Instruction Day) -- https://youtu.be/0W1illNAZFw

Juniata County School District will be using a Flexible Instruction Day beginning at 11:30 today, December 15, 2022. Please check the news on the JCSD website for more information. All evening activities are cancelled.

Juniata County School District will be operating on a 3 hour delay on Thursday, December 15, 2022.

ATTENTION PARENTS, STUDENTS & STAFF.........Cold & flu season is definitely here. Covid is also still very much present. Your school nurses would like to remind you to stay home when you are not feeling well. There are currently free covid tests in the nurse's office, while supplies last. Please stop in and grab a kit to take home with you. These kits are good to have on hand over the holidays if you or your family gets sick. For more information on the Covid, RSV, or the Flu, please visit https://www.smore.com/tshcr .