Jr. High Boys' Soccer Practice has been CANCELLED for today, October 4, 2022 due to the weather.

REMINDER!! The TJHS Home and School will be meeting this TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th at 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria. Parent volunteers are needed for various fundraisers for the kids, so please consider attending this important meeting!

TJHS Morning News -- Thursday, September 22nd -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MRS. EHRENZELLER!!! -- https://youtu.be/S-qWy_kjSL0

The TJHS Home and School will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. Parent volunteers are needed! The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 4th at 6 PM in the TJHS Cafeteria.

TJHS Morning News -- Wednesday, September 21st -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. KINZER!! -- https://youtu.be/fyljgBxWImc

TJHS Morning News -- Tuesday, September 20th -- https://youtu.be/5iTj1X_WXjo

A reminder to all TJHS students and staff that PICTURE DAY will be tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20th! If your child did not bring home a picture form or it has been misplaced, you can download one at https://tjhs.jcsdk12.org/o/tjhs/article/820197. Have a great evening!