Today's Boys' Jr. High Soccer match with State College-Mount Nittany has been postponed until next Friday, September 23rd. ALSO, for safety reasons, Footballs, Soccer Balls, baseballs, etc will no longer be permitted into Klingensmith Stadium during any sporting events.

ATTENTION CHEERLEADERS! Cheerleading practice will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7:30 here at TJHS.

TJHS Boys Soccer will be practicing on the baseball field today, Weds., September 7th.....there will be NO bus to JES.

Today's TJHS Football Game at Big Springs has been POSTPONED until tomorrow, Thursday, September 8th. Also, there will be NO jr. high football practice after school today.

August 30, 2022 -- 1:00 PM -- Jr. High Boys' Soccer practice has been cancelled for today.

HERE WE GO -- CYCLE #1, DAY #1 -- 2022-2023 School Year -- NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS -- https://youtu.be/ohn4CUBz46s

WELCOME BACK Students, Teachers and all Staff Members!! Let's make it a GREAT year!!!

(5/5)....As for PARENT PICK-UP AFTER SCHOOL, this will occur in the parking lot in front of the school. We ask that parents DO NOT START LINING UP UNTIL 3 PM for our 3:15 PM dismissal. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ALONG THE ROAD OR ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS!!!

(4/5)....Students who wish to purchase a breakfast may report to the cafeteria to purchase their breakfast with their Homeroom teachers' permission. After purchasing breakfast, students must return directly back to HR. Students are NOT permitted to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.

(3/5)......INDOOR HOMEROOM PROCEDURE: Students report directly to their lockers to get materials for the entire day, then report directly to homerooms.

(2/5).....ALL STUDENTS must enter the building in the morning through the bus loading area doors. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD BEFORE THE DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 AM!!!